Saturday, December 10, 2011

Week 15 American Literature 2011-12

Week 15
Class work

(Print out syllabus and turn in by Tuesday at beginning of class for 100 points extra credit).

Timed creative Writing Assignment
Prompt page 292

Finish draft and submit to

Personification-the attribution of human qualities to inanimate objects or ideas

Extended Metaphor-a comparison that is developed at great length, often a whole work or part of it

Discerning-show approval or dislike, take exception, object
Immortality-life without death, a living forever
Cornice- an ornamental molding along the top of a wall, pillar, building etc.
Surmise-infer or guess

Read/listen Emily Dickenson Poems

·      What are the influences on a poet?
·      What view of the world do we see through a poet’s writings?
·      Emily Dickenson invented her own punctuation, capitalization, and syntax
·      Walt Whitman’s poetry offended most of the people who read his first book
·      To consider themes of individuality, solitude, nature, life and death
·      To recognize examples of personification
·      To explore a poet’s styles
·      To understand sentence structure
Complete Handouts on Emily Dickenson
Literary element and Study Guide

Vocabulary Quiz
Check test Dickenson
Grammar Worksheet

Selection test Dickenson
Revise Timed Creative Writing Assignment

Read Grapes of Wrath
Read Grapes of Wrath over Vacation

Questions on The Grapes of Wrath will be on Final Exam

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Week 14 American Literature 2011-12

Week 14
Class work

(Print out syllabus and turn in by Tuesday at beginning of class for 100 points extra credit).

·      To reflect on the consequences of conformity and nonconformity
·      To identify examples of figurative language
·      To analyze main and supporting ideas
·      To recognize verb forms

Stealthily-secretly, slyly
Meanly-in a small-minded way
Superfluous-more than needed
Enterprise-undertaking or project
Garret-a space or room in a house just below a sloping roof
Dissipation-a scattering in different directions
Obsequious-polite or obedient, from hope of gain
Abolitionist- a person who advocates doing away with an institution or custom, such as slavery
Hindrance-person or thing that hinders; an obstacle
Abet-urge or assist, especially in doing wrong

Romanticism- a new attitude towards nature, humanity, and society that espoused individualism and freedom.

Transcendentalism-the belief that through intuitive contemplation individuals could “transcend” reason and discover a higher reality.
Selection Test on The Devil and Tom Walker

Read The Pit and The Pendulum

Complete any worksheets that you have not turned in. Finish p. 265 Questions 1-7

Complete any Last Day to turn in any missing worksheets

Grade window opens December 8, 2011.

Study for quizzes on Pit and Pendulum



·      To explore the themes of desolation and loss
·      To recognize examples of alliteration, rhythm, rhyme, and other poetic sound devices
·      To examine the effects of poetic language

Read/Listen to The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe

Alliteration- the repetition of specific consonant sounds, such as the w sound in “weak and weary”
Onomatopoeia- the use of words that imitate the sounds they name, such as “silken, sad uncertain rustling” which describes the sound of a curtain moving.

Complete recognizing Sound Devices Handout for The Raven
Obeisance-show of respect
Countenance-facial expression
Beguile-entertain, amuse; also deceive, delude

Complete Raven Study Guide
Do Questions 1-6 p 273

Read Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment
Do questions 1-8 page 284

Obscure-not well-known; attracting no notice
Infamous-well-known, with a very bad reputation
Gentry-people belonging to the upper class of society
Massive-bulky and heavy; huge
Visage-face, appearance, or aspect
Eccentricity-oddity; peculiarity
Voracious-having a huge appetite
Imbibe-absorb; drink in
Crimson-a deep red
Cordial-strengthening; stimulating; also warm and friendly in manner
Buxom-attractively and healthily plump
Exuberant-abounding in health and good spirits
Infirmity-sickness; illness

Dr. Heidegger Project

Choose from either
·      Say “no” to H2O
·      Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
·      Youth for Sale
Complete your Dr. Heidegger Project due in class on Monday

Prepare for Timed In Class Essay Read writing workshop pp. 292-295