Week 8 | Class work | Homework |
Monday (Print out syllabus and turn in by Tuesday at beginning of class for 100 points extra credit). Remember you must finish reading the Scarlet Letter. Scarlet Letter Vocabulary has a separate page on this blog: Here is a sample: CHAPTER ONE THRONG: a great number of persons crowded together. EDIFICE: a large, usually impressive building. UTOPIA: a place or state of political or social perfection. Comes from a novel by Sir Thomas Moore about a perfect society. ALLOT: to divide or distribute in shares. SEASONABLE: timely or opportune. SEPULCHRES: a burial vault built of rock or stone. PONDEROUS: weighty or clumsy. CONGENIAL: pleasant, friendly. INAUSPICIOUS: not prosperous us. PORTAL: a doorway of imposing appearance. | Last Day to Give your PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Activity 4 Essay due to turnitin.com. Partial credit will go to next report card if submitted by Nov. 3rd. Scarlet Letter Groups Complete Packet the play text. b. How or why does The Crucible still speak to audiences today? Students who are particularly savvy about current events could begin with Miller's own quotation in the introduction of this lesson plan and spin a Describe, in writing, why you think the event would make good drama and how you would dramatize it. Be sure to think carefully about story, conflict, character, and resolution. | Scarlet Letter Books due in Class all week! Scarlet Letter packet Pages Due November 4th. |
Tuesday | Scarlett Letter Packet | Scarlett Letter Packet Pages Essay Activity 4 |
Wednesday | Scarlett Letter Packet Last day to submit Activity 4 Crucible Essay for Partial Credit. | Scarlett Letter Packet |
Thursday | Scarlet Letter | Scarlet Letter Packet Pages TBA Essay Exam on Scarlet Letter |
Friday – Logical Appeals | Scarlett Letter Essay Exam on Scarlet Letter PROJECT: Memorization of The Declaration of Independence selection – Due Nov. 10 | Read The autobiography of Benjamin Franklin pp. 161-168 Do Pp.167 1-7 Read Thomas Paine pp. 169-171 and Read the Declaration of Independence pp. 177-181 – Logical Appeals PROJ: Memorization of The Declaration of Independence selection – Due Nov. 10 |
A year long course that focuses on the myriad voices reflecting the experiences that make up the American Nation each of which evokes a strong "Sense of Place". Literary Analysis and Composition are key elements of the course.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Week 9 American Literature 2011-2012
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Week 8 Amlit 2011-12
Week 8 | Class work | Homework |
Monday (Print out syllabus and turn in by Tuesday at beginning of class for 100 points extra credit). Remember you must finish reading the Scarlet Letter. Scarlet Letter Vocabulary has a separate page on this blog: Here is a sample: CHAPTER ONE THRONG: a great number of persons crowded together. EDIFICE: a large, usually impressive building. UTOPIA: a place or state of political or social perfection. Comes from a novel by Sir Thomas Moore about a perfect society. ALLOT: to divide or distribute in shares. SEASONABLE: timely or opportune. SEPULCHRES: a burial vault built of rock or stone. PONDEROUS: weighty or clumsy. CONGENIAL: pleasant, friendly. INAUSPICIOUS: not prospero us. PORTAL: a doorway of imposing appearance. | Crucible Project: PowerPoint Presentations Begin Essay Activity 4 Choose 1 a. Further exploration of the comparison between the student's historical figure and its dramatic counterpart. In a well-argued analysis, show the reader how Miller works with a historical figure to make him or her a compelling, dynamic, dramatic figure. Point to examples from history and from the play text. b. How or why does The Crucible still speak to audiences today? Students who are particularly savvy about current events could begin with Miller's own quotation in the introduction of this lesson plan and spin a paper off from it. c. Analysis of The Crucible as an American tragedy with John Proctor as an American tragic hero. d. Pretend that you are a playwright who has a keen interest in history. Tonight is the night that your writers' group meets to discuss individual projects. Your goal is to present to your group your idea for dramatizing a past event—it may be a recent current event. Describe, in writing, why you think the event would make good drama and how you would dramatize it. Be sure to think carefully about story, conflict, character, and resolution. | Scarlet Letter Books due in Class all week! Scarlet Letter packet Pages TBA Essay Activity 4 is due by Friday to Turnitin.com |
Tuesday | PowerPoint Project Presentations Scarlett Letter Packet | Scarlett Letter Packet Pages TBA Essay Activity 4 |
Wednesday | Scarlett Letter Packet | Scarlett Letter Packet Essay Activity 4 |
Thursday | Scarlet Letter | Scarlet Letter Packet Pages TBA Essay Activity 4 Submitted to Turnit.com |
Friday | Scarlett Letter | Scarlet Letter Packet Pages TBA |
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Keynote PowerPoint Oral Presentation Rubric
Technical/Keynote/PowerPoint Presentation:
Excellent-4 | Good-3 | Satisfactory-2 | Needs Improvement (fail) -1 | |
Content and Presentation of Information | Covers topic in depth, is clear, elaborative and includes details. | Includes essential information, does not elaborate or include details. | Includes some essential information but topic is vague. | Hard to understand how the slides support the topic. |
Content Accuracy | All content throughout the presentation is accurate. There are no factual errors. | Most of the content is accurate | The content is generally accurate, but one piece of information is clearly inaccurate. | Content confusing or contains more than one factual error. |
Sequencing of Information | Information is organized in a clear, logical way, starting with the title page. It is easy to anticipate the next slide. Has 6-8 slides (not including title and bibliography/MLA works cited list slides) | Most information is organized in a clear, logical way. One slide or piece of information seems out of place. Includes 6-8 slides, title slide, and work cited list. | Some information is logically sequenced. An occasional slide or piece of information seems out of place. Includes 6-8 slides, title slide, and work cited list | There is no clear plan for the organization of information. Has less than 6 slides or more than 12 slides. Fails to include works cited list. |
Use of Graphics and Visual Aids | All graphics are attractive (size and colors) and support the topic of the presentation. | Most graphics are attractive and all support the topic of the presentation. | All or some of the graphics are attractive support of mostly support the topic of the presentation. | Several graphics are unattractive AND detract from the content of the presentation. |
Text - Font Choice & Formatting | Font formats (color, bold, italic) have been carefully planned to enhance readability and content. | Font formats have been carefully planned to enhance readability. | Font formatting has been carefully planned to complement the content. It may be a little hard to read. | Font formatting makes it very difficult to read the material. |
Spelling and Grammar | Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. | Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors. | Presentation has 1 grammatical error or misspelling. | Presentation has more than 2 grammatical and/or spelling errors. |
Bibliography/ Footnotes | All of the sources were appropriately referenced in MLA format. | Most of the sources were referenced in MLA format. | Some of the sources were referenced. | Student did not include a bibliography or foot/endnotes. |
Oral Presentation:
Oral Presentation and Delivery | Students presented using proper grammar. Speech was consistently related to the presentation. Students made appropriate eye contact and used effective and appropriate gestures. Student used appropriate tone (varied voice) to engage audience and effectively generated mood. | Student used mostly proper grammar and/or speech was mostly topic related. Student made eye contact with the audience and used some effective and appropriate gestures. Student varied voice occasionally to deliver appropriate tone and mood. | Student spoke with poor grammar and/or the oral presentation was not aligned to the topic. Students made limited eye contact and did not use effective and appropriate gestures. Student occasionally varied tone but not enough to generate appropriate mood in audience. | Student did not enhance keynote presentation with an oral presentation. Student stared at notes or floor. Student spoke inaudibly, in a monotone, or failed to complete presentation. |
Subject Knowledge | Student was prepared and gave the oral presentation with little or no help of notes. | Students used their notes some of the time | Students had to read 1-2 sentences from their notes. | Students had to read more than 3 sentences from their notes. |
Week 7 American Literature 2011-2012
Week 7 | Class work | Homework |
Monday (Print out syllabus and turn in by Tuesday at beginning of class for 100 points extra credit). Remember you must finish reading the Scarlet Letter. | Crucible Project: Character Analysis Vocabulary Quiz Act I, II, and III Key Scenes Act III | Continue research on Projects (Papers and PowerPoint/Keynotes will be due Sunday Night October 23rd by 5 PM 24 to Turnitin.com Crucible Packets are Due- all activities completed! If you need help-turoting is available in LACER Room 123. |
Tuesday Vocabulary Crucible Act 1 Vocabulary Persecuted Parochial Vengeance Begrudge Corroborate Hypocrite Predilection Contention Trepidation implied Implicate Act II Vocabulary Scoff Pallor Ameliorate Indignant Deference Evasive Suspiciously Ineptly Avid menacingly | Reading Key sections of Act 4 | Continue research on Projects (Papers and PowerPoint/Keynotes will be due Sunday Night October 23rd by 5 PM 24 to Turnitin.com |
Wednesday | Act IV Sign-up for PowerPoint Presentations | Continue research on Projects (Papers and PowerPoint/keynotes will be due Sunday Night October 23rd by 5 PM 24 to Turnitin.com |
Thursday | Watch the film of the Crucible Begin Worksheet | Continue research on Projects (Papers and PowerPoint/keynotes will be due Sunday Night October 23rd by 5 PM 24 to Turnitin.com |
Friday | Watch the Crucible Video Turn in Worksheet on film. | Finish Scarlet Letter Continue research on Projects (Papers and PowerPoint/keynotes will be due Sunday Night October 23rd by 5 PM to Turnitin.com As grade window opens on November 3rd no late work can be accepted. Presentations begin Monday (no make-ups before grade window closes unless you have a legitimate medical excuse). |
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Scarlett Letter Vocabulary by Chapter
THRONG: a great number of persons crowded together.
EDIFICE: a large, usually impressive building.
UTOPIA: a place or state of political or social perfection. Comes from a novel by Sir Thomas Moore abo ut a
perfect society.
ALLOT: to divide or distribute in shares.
SEASONABLE: timely or opportune.
SEPULCHRES: a burial vault built of rock or stone.
PONDEROUS: weighty or clumsy.
CONGENIAL: pleasant, friendly.
INAUSPICIOUS: not prospero us.
PORTAL: a doorway of imposing appearance.
PHYSIOGNOMIES: the facial features held to show qualities of mind or character by their configuration or
AUGURED: foretold.
BETOKENED: given evidence of.
TRIBUNAL: a court of forum of justice.
INFERENCE: the act of passing from one proposition, statement, or judgment considered as true to another whose
truth is believed to follow from that of the former.
INDUBITABLY: unquestionably.
ANTINOMIAN: one who rejects a so cially established morality.
HETERODOX: holding unorthodox opinions or doctrines.
SCOURGED: to subject to severe criticism or satire.
FIREWATER: strong alcoholic beverage.
MAGISTRATE: a local official exercising administrative and often judicial functions.
GALLOWS: the punishment of hanging.
VENERABLE: made sacred especially by religious or historical association.
MEAGRE: lacking desirable qualities; meager.
SCAFFOLD: a platform on which a criminal is executed.
INFAMY: evil reputation brought about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal.
IMPROPRIETY: the quality or state of being improper.
FARTHINGALE: a support worn in the 16th century beneath a skirt to expand it at the hip line.
FIBRE: basic toughness.
ROTUNDITY: rounded.
BEHOOF: advantage, profit.
MALEFACTRESSES: a person who violates the law or does evil.
TROW: believe.
AUTUMAL: a period of maturity or incipient decline.
BAGGAGE: a worthless or contemptible woman; prostitute.
HEATHENISH: barbarous.
BEADLE: a minor parish official whose duties includ e ushering and preserving order at services and sometimes civil
ABASHED: to destroy the self-confidence of.
SUMPTUARY: designed to regulate habits on mo ral or religious grounds.
GENTILITY: the members of the upper class.
EVANESCENT: tending to vanish like vapor.
IGNOMINY: disgraceful or dishonorable conduct, quality, or action.
BRAZEN: marked by contemptuous boldness.
HUSSY: a saucy or mischievous girl.
MERIDIAN: midday; noon.
INIQUITY: wickedness.
VISAGE: appearance.
SPURN: stumble.
PILLORY: a means to expose one to pub lic scorn and humility.
FLAGRANT: extremely or purposefully conspicuous usually because of uncommon objectionable o r evil.
MIEN: appearance; aspect.
VIED: exchanged in rivalry.
TAINTED: contaminated mark or influence.
CONTUMELY: rude language or treatment arising from haughtiness and contempt.
COUNTENANCES: looks; expressions.
MERRIMENT: lighthearted gaiety or fun making.
PRETERNATURAL: exceeding what is natural or regular.
HEWN: strictly conformed.
PHANTASMAGORIC: a scene that constantly changes.
REMONSTRANCE: objection.
CLOISTER: an area within a monastery or convent to which the religious are normally restricted.
ETYMOLOGIST: studies word derivation.
DEMEANOR: behavior toward others; outward manner.
FURROWS: wrinkles.
HETEROGENEOUS: different in kind.
ABATE: put an end to.
WRITHING: (to twist in pain; to suffer keenly.
INTERVOLUTIONS: twists between
SOJOURN: a temporary stay.
INIQUITY: wickedness.
MARRY: to express amused or surp rised agreement.
EXPOUND: to explain in careful and elaborate detail.
BETWIXT: between.
HALBERDS: a weapon consisting typically of a battle ax and pike mounted on a handle about six feet long.
TUNIC: a hip-length or longer blouse or jacket.
SAGACITY: of keen mind: shrewd.
MIEN: bearing: aspect
OBSTINACY: fixed and unyielding; stubborn.
ALBEIT: although.
FERVOR: intensity of feeling or expression.
LURID: gruesome; sensational.
GARB: clothing.
IGNOMINOUS: shameful.
SAGAMORES: a subordinate chief of the Algonquian Indians of the north A tlantic coast.
AMENABLE: willing to yield or submit: agreeable.
PEREMPTORY: leaving no opportunity for denial or refusal.
ALCHEMY: a power or pro cess of transforming something common into something precious.
AVENGE: to exact satisfaction for a wrong by punishing the wrongdoer.
INQUEST: inquiry, investigation.
AUGHT: nothing.
PARAMOUR: an illicit lover.
WOTTEST: to have knowledge of or to know.
VIVIFY: to endure with life or renew life: animate.
CLAUSE: a separate section of a discourse or writing.
ASSIMILATE: to absorb into the cultural tradition of a population or group.
TINGE: an affective or modifying property or influence: touch.
UNCONGENIAL: unfriendly.
THATCHED: a house used as a sheltering cover made of a plant material.
FAIN: rather.
PROGENITORS: an ancestor in the direct line: forefather.
PLEBEIAN: one of the common people.
EMOLUMENT: advantage.
COMMISERATION to feel or express sympathy: condole.
CONTUMACIOUSLY: stubbornly disobedient: rebellious.
TALISMAN: something producing apparently magical or miraculous effects.
EFFICACY: effective as a means of rem edy.
RUSSET: a coarse brownish homespun cloth.
IMBUED: inspired as with feelings, opinions, etc.
MUTABILITY: subject to change.
EPOCH: a point in time marked by the beginning of anew development or state of things.
REGIMEN: to organize.
CAPRICE; a sudden, impulsive change: whim.
INFANTILE: characteristic of infancy or infants: babyish.
SMOTE: having striked something.
DEARTH: scarcity, lack, or famine.
GESTICULATION: expression through gestures.
LABYRINTH: any intricate or perplexing set of difficulties: maze.
AMENABLE: agreeable.
NURTURE: care for; raise up.
ENMITY: established hatred.
PATERNITY: father.
LUDICROUS: amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration, or eccentricity.
EMINENCE: position of prominence or superiority.
PRISTINE: uncorrupt by civilization.
INTRINSIC: originating or situated within the body or part acted on.
IMPERIOUS: commanding; dominant.
AKIN: similar.
TUNIC: a hip-length or longer blouse or jacket.
WAN: pale or sickly.
PALLID: deficient in color: dull.
DAUNTLESS: fearless, undaunted.
EXTANT: not destroyed or lost.
CABALISTIC: eso teric do ctrine or mysterious art.
CAPER: a joyful, bounding leap.
FLANKED: to be situated on the side: border.
FORSOOTH: indeed.
EMBOWED: arched.
FOLIO: a book of the largest size.
TOME: a volume forming part of a larger work.
GILDED: to overlay with or as if with a thin covering of gold.
MAIL: armor made of medal links or sometimes plates.
BURNISHED: polished.
PANOPLY: full suit of armor.
MUSTER: formal military inspection.
EXIGENCES: a state of affairs that makes urgent demands.
PHYSIOGNOMY: facial features held to show quality of mind or character by their configuration or expression.
BREADTH: something of full width.
VISTA: a distant view through or an avenue or pathway.
RELINQUISH: leave behind.
SUBSISTENCE: real being: existence.
ANNALS: historical record s: chronicles.
EXPATIATING: enlarging in discourse or writing.
ANTIQUATE: obsolete.
UNFEIGNEDLY: not pretending.
BEHEST: an earnest request.
BENEVOLENCE: desiring to do good to others.
BEDIZEN: to dress n a gaudy or vulgar manner.
ALBEIT: although or even if.
WARILY: cautiously.
PIOUS: of or pertaining to religious devotion.
IMBIBES: to take or receive into the mind.
AMISS: improper.
INDEFEASIBLE:not to be annulled or made void.
EMACIATED: to make very thin, as to lack of nutrition or to disease.
MOUNTEBANK: any charlatan or quack.
BOON: a favor sought.
ADDUCED: to bring forward as in argument or as evidence.
VEHEMENCE: forceful or violent.
UNOBTRUSIVE: not conspicuous.
CHARGER: plate or platter.
APPELLATION: an identifying name or title.
CONTAGION: the spread as of an idea, emotion, etc.
CHIRURGICAL: surgical.
INTRICACIES: having many interrelated parts or facets: intricate.
COUNTENANCE: to extend approval or toleration o f.
PARISHIONER: a member or inhabitant of a parish.
PROPOUND: to offer up for discussion or consideration.
DELVE: to make careful or detailed search for information.
SAGACITY: the quality of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment.
TUMULT: uproar and confusion: commotion, riot.
ERUDITION: extensive knowledge acquired chiefly from books.
COMMODIOUSNESS: comfortable or conveniently spacious: roomy.
INCANTATIONS: a use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as a part of a ritual of magic.
BLACK ART: made practiced by or as if by conjurers and witches.
CONJURER: someone who calls up spirits or ghosts: magicians.
GUISE: manner or fashion.
SANCTITY: Godliness or sacredness.
EMISSARY: messenger.
DIABOLIC: devilish.
SEXTON: an official charged with maintaining church property.
DEEM: to believe or judge.
ASPIRATION: strong desire, longing, or ambition: goal.
GHASTLY: terrifyingly horrible to the senses: frightening.
STEALTHILY: slow, deliberate, and secret in action or character.
INIMICAL: having the disposition of an enemy: hostile.
ASKANCE: with a side-glance: obliquely.
PERFORCE: by force of circumstances.
SOLACE: alleviation of grief or anxiety.
BRETHREN: fellow members of a profession, society, or sect; plural of brothers.
PROPAGATE: publicize.
ABASEMENT: to lower in rank, office, prestige, or esteem.
SOOTH: truth, reality.
ARMORIAL: of, relating to, or bearing heraldic arms.
DECOROUSLY: marked by propriety and good taste: correct
IMP: a small demon: fiend.
MIRTH: gladness or gaiety as shown by or accompanied with laughter.
PALLIATE: to cover by excuses or apologies.
ASSENTED: to agree to something.
SOMNIFEROUS: hypnotic.
VESTMENT: an outer garment; a robe of ceremony or office.
PIETY: reverence to God.
MALICE: desire to see another suffer.
LATENT: present and capable of becoming though not now visible or active: dormant.
BALKED: to stop short and refuse to proceed.
ODIOUS: exciting or deserving hatred or repugnance.
MACHINATION: a scheming or crafty action or artful design intended to accomplish some usually evil end.
LORE: traditional knowledge or belief.
ETHEREALIZED: celestially.
ATTESTATION: to be proof of: manifest.
AVOWAL: an open declaration or acknowledgment.
IMPALPABLE incapable of being felt by touch.
VENERATION: commanding respect because of great age or associated dignity.
SOMNAMBULISM: sleepwalking.
DANK: cold and damp.
EXPIATION: to atone for; to make amends for.
DEFUNCT: dead or inactive.
SCANTLY: scarcely enough.
JUTTING: to extend beyond the main portion.
ARCHFIEND: a chief fiend: Satan.
SCURRILOUS: grossly and offensively abusive.
GRISLY: inspiring horror or intense fear.
TUMULT: a turbulent uprising: riot.
AWRY: out of right or hoped-for cause.
FIRMAMENT: the vault or arch of the sky: heavens.
MALEVOLENCE: arising from intense or vicious ill will, spite, or hatred.
ERUDITE: possessing or displaying erudition; learned.
REPLETE; fully or abundantly provided or filled: complete.
PAUPER: a very poor person.
GIBE: to tease with taunting word s.
MEED: a fitting return or recompense.
DESPOTS: a ruler with absolute power and authority.
FOLIAGE: a cluster of leaves, flowers, and branches.
SEMBLANCE: outward and often specious appearance or show.
IMBIBED: to receive into the mind and retain.
OBVIATED: to see beforehand and dispose of; making unnecessary.
ETHEREAL: celestial, heavenly.
CLEW: clue.
CHASM: a marked division, separation, or difference.
LUNACY: wild foolishness; insanity.
ACQUIESCING: to accept or comply tacitly or passively.
STAFF: a long stick carried in the hand for support in walking.
WIRY: lean and strong.
BEHEST: an earnest request.
RANKLE: to cause persistent keen irritation or bitter resentment.
PROPINQUITY: nearness in place or time.
USURP: to seize and hold (a position, po wer, etc.) by force or without legal right.
RETRIBUTION: punishment given in return for some wrong committed; judgment.
SERE: withered.
VERDURE: condition of health and vigor.
SEDULOUS: diligent in application or pursuit.
HORNBOOK: a child's reading book consisting of a sheet of parchment or paper protected by a sheet of transparent
PETULANT: insolent or rude in speech or behavior.
PRECOCITY: exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age.
ACRID: deeply or violently bitter.
ENIGMA: something hard to understand or explain: mystery.
PROPENSITY: an intense and often urgent natural inclination.
BENEFICENCE: an office to which the revenue from an endowment is attached: fief.
VIVACITY: being lively in temper or conduct: sprightly.
TALISMAN: something producing apparently magical or miraculous effects.
ASPERITY: roughness of manner or of temper: harshness.
UPBRAIDED: criticized.
SCINTILLATING: to be b rilliant or keen, as in talent.
VIVACITY: being lively in temper or conduct: sprightly.
SCROFULA: a form of tuberculosis.
LOQUACITY: exceedingly talkative.
STREAMLET: a small stream.
PRATTLE: to talk in a foolish or simpleminded way.
CADENCE: rhythmic sequence or flow of sounds in language.
SPECTRE: something that haunts or perturbs the mind; specter.
MALEVOLENT: having, showing, or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred.
CONTIGUITY: the quality or state of next or near in time or sequence.
MISANTHROPY: a hatred or distrust of mankind.
INVIGORATED: to give life and energy to; animate.
RECOIL: to fall back under pressure.
CONSECRATION: the act of making or declaring sacred.
SATIATING: to satisfy fully.
SENTINEL: one that watches or guards.
BUOY: to support or sustain.
TARRY: stay, sojourn.
ESTRANGED: to alienate the affections of.
COLLOQUY: a conversation especially formal one.
AMISS: out of proper order: wrong.
TRAMMELED: something that restricts activity or free movement: hindrance.
MACHINATIONS: a crafty, intricate, or secret plot, usually intended to achieve an evil purpose.
BREACH: a violation as of a law or obligation.
CITADEL: a stronghold.
SOLACE: comfort in sorrow or distress; consolation.
HEATHEN: an irreligious, uncivilized, or unenlightened person.
SUBJUGATED: to bring under dominion: conquer.
DENIZENS: an inhabitant: resident.
CHOLERIC: bad tempered; irritable.
ACCOSTING: address, greeting.
PRATTLE: to utter meaningless sounds suggestive of the chatter of children: babble.
INURED: accustomed to accept something undesirable.
MOLLIFIED: soothed in temper or disposition.
GESTICULATING: making gestures especially when speaking.
PRETERNATURAL: existing outside of nature: abnormal
ALLOY: to reduce the purity of by mixing with something debasing.
VICISSITUDE: unexpectedly changing circumstances.
ANTIQUITY: the quality of being ancient.
SOLACE: comfort in sorrow.
INTROSPECTION: the examination of one's own mental and emotional state.
IRREFRAGABLE: not to be disputed or contested.
UNCOUTH: awkward of clumsy.
WEATHERCOCK: a weather vane in the shape of a rooster.
MUTABILITY: being liable or subject to change.
COMPORT: to conduct or behave.
OBEISANCE: a bodily gesture, as a bow, expressing respect.
DEVOUT: sincere or hearty.
BARTER: to trade by exchanging one commodity for another.
ENSHRINED: preserved or cherished as sacred.
GRANDAM: an old woman: grandmother.
AUGHT: at all.
PITHY: having substance and point.
GILD: to give an attractive but often deceptive appearance to.
TARRY: stay, sojourn.
POTENTATE: one who wields controlling power.
STUPEFIED: astonished.
MALIGNANT: disposed to cause harm deliberately.
GRATUITOUS: without apparent reason or justification.
DELL: a secluded hollow or small valley usually covered with trees o r turf.
REQUITE: to make return for: repay.
STEED: a spirited horse for state or war.
BETIMES: at times: occasionally.
PLEBIAN: one of the common people.
QUAFF: (PG. 213) to drink (a beverage) deeply.
WORMWOOD: (PG . 213) something bitter and grievous: bitterness.
LEES: the settling of liquor during fermentation and aging: dregs.
EFFERVESCE: to show liveliness or exhilaration.
MIRTH: gladness or gaiety as shown by or accompanied with laughter.
QUARTERSTAFF: a long stout staff formerly used as a weapon and wielded with one hand in the middle and the
other between the middle and the end.
BUCKLER: a shield worn on the left arm.
BROADSWORD: a sword with a broad blade for cutting rather than thrusting.
SCRUPLE: an ethical consideration or principle that inhabits action.
QUAFFING: drinking (a beverage) deeply.
TEMPESTUOUS: turbulent, stormy.
PROBITY: adherence to the highest principles and ideals: uprightness.
UNBENIGNANTLY: (acting in a way that is no t favorable or beneficial.
ANIMADVERSION: adverse and typically ill-natured or unfair criticism.
GALLIARD: gay, lively.
BERTH: safe distance.
CLARION: a medieval trumpet with clear shrill tones.
MERCENARY: one that serves merely for wages.
MORION: high-crested helmet with no visor.
SOBRIETY: the quality or state of being sober.
MORBID: abnormally susceptible to or characterized by gloomy or unwholesome feelings.
NECROMANCY: Magic, sorcery.
PATHOS: an emotion of sympathetic pity.
GRADATIONS: a series forming successive stages.
ORB: something circular: circle, orbit.
INDEFATIGABLE: incapable of being fatigued: untiring.
REQUITAL: something given in return, compensation, or retaliation.
SWARTHY: being of a dark color, complexion, or cast.
SMITE: to attack or afflict suddenly and injuriously.
UNSCRUPULOUS: unprincipled.
SURMISE: to imagine or infer on slight ground s.
STIGMA: a mark of shame or discredit: stain.
ORACLES: a person (as a priest) through whom a deity is believed to speak.
DEITY: Supreme Being: God.
LORE: something that is taught: lesson.
WROUGHT: deeply stirred: excited.
APOTHEOSIS: elevation to d ivine status.
INTIMATIONS: the act of making known: announce.
NETHER: situated down or below: lower.
CONJECTURE: a conclusion deduced by surmise or guesswork.
NECROMANCER: a person who is believed to communicate with the spirits of the dead for purposes of magically
revealing the future of influencing the course of events.
PORTENT: something that foreshadows a coming event: omen.
NUGATORY: having no force: inoperative.
BEQUEATHED: to hand down: transmit.
RECLUSE: marked by withdrawal from society: solitary.
PENITENCE: regret for sin or wrongdoing.
ESCUTCHEON: a protective or ornamental shield.
SABLE: the color black: dark.
GULES: the heraldic color red.
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