Thursday, November 22, 2012

Corridos: Compare and Contrast Table Template

Corrido Compare and Contrast Table

El Corrido De Gregorio Cortez
Student’s Choice
Initial Address to Audience

Location, time, name of main character

Importance of Main Character


Main Character’s farewell

Composer’s farewell

Fate (anticipation, omen, chance)

Pursuit (plans, coercion, chase, escape)

Challenge (ridicule, offense, defiance, provocation)

Confrontation (capture, imprisonment, sentence, execution, death)

Defeat (capture, imprisonment, sentence, execution, death)

Judgment (reflection, deduction, advice, experience, lamentation)

Farewell (memory, nostalgia, reputation)

Week 15

Week 15 Class Work and Homework

Class Work

Print this out and bring to beginning of class on Monday Morning for 100 Extra Credit points. (Due when bell rings. Make sure your name is on it, as it will be returned to you before end of period).  If you complete all the week’s assignments you will get 400 bonus points.

Ideas to explore:

What are the influences on a poet?

What view of the world do we see through the poet’s eyes?

How does the poet use figurative language such as metaphor, personification, and hyperbole?

What interpretations are there of the poem?

Stephen Crane


Analyze poems about perspectives, choices in life, and perceptions.

To explore uses of irony
To review Prepositions

Do Pp. 376 1-6

Study Vocabulary for quiz on Wednesday


Do Literary Focus PP 376 : Irony
Discuss the Irony in The Wayfarer? What do you expect of the Wayfarer? Why? What is ironic about his behavior? What other poem by Crane contains situational irony?


What are the influences on a poet?

What view of the world do we see through the poet’s eyes?

How does the poet use figurative language such as metaphor, personification, and hyperbole?

What interpretations are there of the poem?

What ideas or emotions might poets personify?

Vocabulary Exam

Read Historical Overview PP. 386-387
Take Cornell Notes

Read Mark twain
 The celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County

Objectives to understand that:

The frontier was a big country which spawned tall tales, exaggeration, and humorists such as Mark Twain

Tales, ballads, poems, and speeches relate the difficulties and heartache of people experiencing great change.
Pioneers were caught in a schism of the urban world that they cherished and their frontier struggle for survival. 

 To find examples of Exaggeration
To observe characteristics of frontier mining life
To identify use of dialect
To trace development of a story line
To evaluate use of dialog
Read pp. The celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County  pp 390-395

Answer questions 1-6 pp. 395

Study vocabulary for quiz Wednesday:



What is a frontier?
What challenges and changes might people encounter on a frontier?
Was the American West a frontier for Everyone?
What are today’s frontiers?
Read  pp. 397-399
El Corrido de Gregorio Cortez

Complete handouts
 Read Pp. 400-404
The Gold Mountain Poems  by Anonymous and
My Heart Feels Like Bursting by Satanta
Answer Questions 1-6

Study Vocabulary  for quiz




Complete Literary Focus on Tone pp. 404  in Groups

Corridos reflect the evolving perspectives and concerns of urban and rural working-class peoples from the United States and Mexico. Students develop their understanding of various themes, regions, and perspectives of North American history.

Compare and Contrast Essay

Write Outline

Compare and Contrast the elements of a modern corrido of your choice with El Corrido de Gregorio Cortez

Corridos sin Fronteras



Essay Writing  Preparation

Practice for Final Exam

Complete Corridos Compare and Contrast Table

Compare and Contrast the elements of a Modern Corrido of your choice with El Corrido de Gregorio Cortez.

You must print out a copy of your modern corrido and attach to your assignment. 
Write a Corrido in preparation for Essay Exam

Rubric for how projects will be graded is below. Your Corrido must include the following:

Corridos are distinguished by a narrative structure1, that includes—
  •   Singer’s initial address to the audience
  •  Location, time, name of main character
  •  Importance of main character
  •  Message
  •  Main character’s farewell
  •  Composer’s farewell

Most corridos share the following thematic and structural elements. The subject matter of corridos includes, but is not limited to: gun fights, social justice issues, betrayed romance, wars, and horse races. A main character is usually featured who may be heroic, tragic, villainous, or conflicted. The narrative discourse features shaping corridos are as follows:

  •  Fate (anticipation, omen, chance)
  •  Pursuit (plans, coercion, chase, escape) v Challenge (ridicule, offense, defiance, provocation)
  • Confrontation (duel, battle, attack)
  • Defeat (capture, imprisonment, sentence, execution, death)
  • Judgment (reflection, deduction, advice, experience,

  •  Farewell (memory, nostalgia, reputation)

While each of these themes and features may not be found in every corrido, understanding the structure and themes that tend to distinguish corridos will help you come to understand the form and analyze its lyrics on a deeper level.

Materials for Corridos Unit


Corridos are distinguished by a narrative structure1, that includes—
  •  Singer’s initial address to the audience
  •  Location, time, name of main character
  •  Importance of main character
  •  Message
  •  Main character’s farewell
  • Composer’s farewell

Most corridos share the following thematic and structural elements. The subject matter of corridos includes, but is not limited to: gun fights, social justice issues, betrayed romance, wars, and horse races. A main character is usually featured who may be heroic, tragic, villainous, or conflicted. The narrative discourse features2 shaping corridos are as follows:

  •  Fate (anticipation, omen, chance)
  •  Pursuit (plans, coercion, chase, escape) v Challenge (ridicule,  offense, defiance, provocation)
  •  Confrontation (duel, battle, attack)
  •  Defeat (capture, imprisonment, sentence, execution, death)
  •  Judgment (reflection, deduction, advice, experience, lamentation)

  •   Farewell (memory, nostalgia, reputation)

While each of these themes and features may not be found in every corrido, understanding the structure and themes that tend to distinguish corridos will help you come to understand the form and analyze its lyrics on a deeper level.

Songs and Lyrics

Drug Smuggling and Betrayal
Salieron de San Isidro,
procedentes de Tijuana,
traían las llantas del carro
repletas de yerbamala;
eran Emilio Varela
y Camelia, la tejana.

- - - - -

They left San Isidro,
starting out in Tijuana,
with the car tires
filled with "evil weed."
They were Emilio Varela
and Camelia the Texan. 

Pasaron por San Clemente,
los paró la emigración;
les pidió sus documentos,
les dijo: "¿De dónde son?"
Ella era de San Antonio,
una hembra de corazón.

- - - - -

When they passed through San Clemente,
immigration agents stopped them,
and demanded their papers,
asking: "Where are you from?"
She was from San Antonio,
a real woman with a heart.

Una hembra, si quiere a un hombre,
por él puede dar la vida,
pero hay que tener cuidado
si esa hembra se siente herida:
la traición y el contrabando
son cosas incompartidas.

- - - - -

When a woman loves a man,
she will give up her life for him,
but you have to watch out
if the woman is feeling hurt.
Betrayal and drug smuggling
are two things that don't mix.

A Los Angeles llegaron,
a Hollywood se pasaron,
en un callejón oscuro
las cuatro llantas cambiaron,
ahí entregaron la yerba
y ahí también les pagaron.

- - - - -

They arrived in Los Angeles,
going straight to Hollywood;
and in a dark alley
they changed the four tires.
They delivered the weed
and got paid right then and there.

Emilio dice a Camelia:
"Hoy te das por despedida,
con la parte que te toca
tú puedes rehacer tu vida,
yo me voy pa' San Francisco
con la dueña de mi vida".

- - - - -

Emilio then told Camelia:
"Think of this as your farewell.
With your share
you can get a new start in life.
I am going to San Francisco
with the love of my life."

Sonaron siete balazos,
Camelia a Emilio mataba;
la policía sólo halló
una pistola tirada,
del dinero y de Camelia
nunca más se supo nada.

- - - - -

Seven shots were heard
as Camelia killed Emilio.
The police found
only a gun left on the ground.
Camelia and the money
were never seen again.

The Draft of 1918
Les cayeron sus tarjetas
a domicilio a cada uno,
se verificó el registro
del veintiuno al treinta y uno,
se verificó el registro
del veintiuno al treinta y uno.

- - - - -

The cards were sent
to each one's address.
The registration took place
from the 21st to the 31st.
The registration took place
from the 21st to the 31st. 

Adiós, Laredo lucido,
con sus torres y campanas,
pero nunca olvidaremos
a tus lindas mexicanas,
pero nunca olvidaremos
a tus lindas mexicanas.

- - - - -

Farewell, sparkling Laredo,
with your towers and bells.
We will never forget
your beautiful Mexican women.
We will never forget
your beautiful Mexican women.

Ya nos llevan a pelear
a unas tierras muy lejanas,
y nos llevan a pelear
con las tropas alemanas,
y nos llevan a pelear
con las tropas alemanas.

- - - - -

They are now taking us
to fight in distant lands,
and they are taking us to fight
against the German troops.
And they are taking us to fight
against the German troops.

Ya nos llevan a pelear
a distintas direcciones,
y nos llevan a pelear
con diferentes naciones,
y nos llevan a pelear
con diferentes naciones 

- - - - -

They are now taking us to fight
in different directions
and they're taking us to fight
against different nations.
And they're taking us to fight
against different nations.

¡Qué lejos es la travesía
sobre las olas del mar!
Grande fuera mi alegría
si llegare yo a triunfar,
Grande fuera mi alegría
si llegare yo a triunfar.

- - - - -

How far is the journey
over the ocean waves!
It would be a great joy
if I were to gain victory!
It would be a great joy
if I were to gain victory!

Cuando andaba yo peleando
de toditos me acordaba,
y más de mi pobre madre
que por mí tanto lloraba,
y más de mi pobre madre
que por mí tanto lloraba.

- - - - -

When I was in the battlefield
I remembered everyone,
especially my poor mother
who cried so much for me.
Especially my poor mother
who cried so much for me.

Adiós, mis queridos padres
y la joven a quien yo amo,
ya cuando estemos en Francia
un suspiro les mandamos,
ya cuando estemos en Francia
un suspiro les mandamos.

- - - - -

Farewell my beloved parents
and the young lady I love.
When we get to France
we'll send you a sigh.
When we get to France
we'll send you a sigh.

Adiós, Laredo lucido,
con tus torres y campanas,
pero nunca olvidaremos
a tus lindas mexicanas,
pero nunca olvidaremos
a tus lindas mexicanas.

- - - - -

Farewell, sparkling Laredo,
with your towers and bells.
We will never forget
your beautiful Mexican women.
We will never forget
your beautiful Mexican women.

The Corrido of Daniel Fernandez

Amigos, vengo a cantarles
el corrido de un paisano,
se llamó Daniel Fernández,
hijo nuevomexicano.

- - - - -

Friends I come to sing you
the ballad of a countryman,
his name was Daniel Fernández
a New Mexican son. 

Este soldado valiente,
valiente de nuestro estado,
por el amor a su patria
la vida ha sacrificado.

- - - - -

He was a valiant soldier,
valiant from our state,
for the love of his country
he has sacrificed his life.

Su vida fue terminada,
murió en batalla mortal,
ahora se encuentra con Dios
en su Reino Celestial.

- - - - -

His life was ended,
he died in mortal battle,
now he is with God
in his Celestial Kingdom.

S Era grande de estatura
y grande de corazón,
y a nuestra patria querida
le sirvió con devoción.

- - - - -

He was tall in height
and great of heart,
and our beloved country
he served with great devotion.

En el pueblo de Los Lunas
fue el lugar donde nació,
y en el sur de Viet Nam
fue el lugar donde murió.

- - - - -

The town of Los Lunas
was the place where he was born,
and in the south of Viet Nam
was the place where he died.

Nuevo México querido,
no des tu brazo a torcer,
tienes soldados valientes
que cumplen con su deber.

- - - - -

Beloved New Mexico,
don't give your arm to be twisted,
you have brave soldiers
that fulfill their duty.

Decía este gran soldado
cuando se vio malherido,
"Virgencita milagrosa
no más un favor te pido.

- - - - -

This great soldier said
when he was mortally wounded,
"Miraculous Virgin,
only one favor would I ask.

"Dame un momento de vida
para rezarte un rosario,
después, Madrecita mía,
contento me voy contigo.

- - - - -

"Give me a moment of life
to pray you a rosary,
afterwards, little Mother of mine,
I will go with you contented.

"Ya con esta me despido,
paseándome en estos valles,
aquí me acaba el corrido
del gran soldado Fernández."

- - - - -

"With this I take my leave,
traveling around these valleys,
here the ballad is finished
of the great soldier Fernández."

The Corrido of Cesar Chavez

Un día siete de marzo,
Jueves Santo en la mañana,
salió César de Delano
componiendo una campaña.

- - - - -

On the 7th of March,
the morning of Holy Thursday,
César left Delano,
organizing a campaign. 

Compañeros campesinos:
"Esto va a ser un ejemplo,
esta marcha la llevamos
hasta mero Sacramento".

- - - - -

"Fellow farmworkers,
this will serve as a lesson;
this march will take us
straight to Sacramento."

Cuando llegamos a Fresno
toda la gente gritaba:
"¡Y que viva César Chávez!"
y la gente que él llevaba.

- - - - -

When we arrived at Fresno,
everybody was shouting:
"Long live César Chávez
and his followers."

Nos despedimos de Fresno,
nos despedimos con fe,
para llegar muy contentos
hasta el pueblo de Merced.

- - - - -

We gave our farewell to Fresno,
we departed with faith,
arriving happily
at the town of Merced.

Ya vamos llegando a Stockton,
ya mero la luz se fue,
pero mi gente gritaba:
"¡Sigan con bastante fe!"

- - - - -

We are getting close to Stockton,
the light is almost gone,
but my people shouted:
"Let's go on, with faith."

Cuando llegamos a Stockton
los mariachis nos cantaban:
"¡Y que viva César Chávez!"
y la Virgen que él llevaba.

- - - - -

When we arrived at Stockton
the mariachis sang to us:
"Long live César Chávez
and the Virgin image he carries."

Contratistas esquiroles,
esto va a ser una historia:
ustedes van al infierno
y nosotros a la Gloria.

- - - - -

Strikebreaking contractors,
this will become history.
you will go to hell
and we will go to heaven.

Oiga, Señor César Chávez:
un hombre que se pronuncia,
en su pecho usted merece
la Virgen de Guadalupe.

- - - - -

Listen, Mr. César Chávez,
you are a man who speaks up.
On your chest you deserve
the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe.