Sunday, January 8, 2012

General Questions for Film Viewing

General Questions for Film Viewing

1. What are some of the examples the film uses to communicate the values of family and of community?
2. How does Ma Joad keep her family together? How does she care for the "family of man"?
3. How does the film express hope, despite despair?
4. How does the film reconcile American values of rugged individualism with collective strength?
5. How is visual or dramatic irony used in this film?

6. What are some of the examples used in the film to portray the following?
Labor unions/organization vs. business
Women and men
Local, state, national government
Law enforcement
7. How does the director use the following film techniques? Comment on their effects using specific illustrations.
Shadows and silhouetted lighting
Tight camera shots
Music and other sound effects
Special effects
Absence of dialogue
Reactive shots or reactive characters
8. Is the film a historical record of the Depression era or a romanticized "docudrama"?

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